Don't wait for a full moon to unleash your inner beast. Get your growl on with these tips on creating the ultimate werewolf mask.
You Will Need
* Petroleum jelly or lotion
* A wig cap
* Gauze suitable for plaster work
* Plaster
* Hot glue
* A small sheet of craft foam, cut into 1-inch strips
* A needle and thread
* A spool of 1-inch-wide elastic
* 3 feet of sturdy wire
* Epoxy glue
* Craft foam blocks
* Scissors
* Pliers
* Paper clay
* White and red polymer clay
* Primer or sealer
* Black, red, and white acrylic paint
* Glossy epoxy clear coat
* Fake fur
* A utility knife
* Enough blocks of craft foam to cover your hands, feet, and legs
* Black tool dip
* Baseball batter's gloves
* 8 large craft foot claws or acrylic nails
* 10 medium-size craft finger claws or acrylic nails
* A pair of low-top shoes without shoe laces
* Thermal underwear or tights
* An old long-sleeve button-down shirt
* An old pair of jeans or slacks
* A helper
* An electric knife
Step 1: Make the cast
Step 2: Make a cast of your chin
Step 3: Create the headband
Step 4: Frame the snout
Step 5: Sculpt the snout
Step 6: Create the jaw
Step 7: Attach the jaw
Step 8: Frame and sculpt the ears
Step 9: Apply finishing touches
Step 10: Create teeth
Step 11: Prime and paint
Step 12: Cut out the fur
To cut the fake fur, place it facedown on a hard surface and use a utility knife.
Step 13: Attach the fur
Step 14: Shape the paws
Step 15: Attach the claws
Step 16: Make a pattern
Step 17: Attach the fur
Step 18: Make the arms
Try the suit on with the mask periodically to make sure the proportions are correct.
Step 19: Create the feet
Step 20: Shape the legs
Use and electric knife to cut and shape the foam blocks.
Step 21: Cut the clothes
Step 22: Finish the legs.
Step 23: Put it on.
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